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Water is the essential element of any shower, but only through its different expressions such as intensity and temperature, coupled with fragrances and specific chromatic components, can it create positive sensations and natural energy that fluctuate, reflecting emotions and promoting sensory wellbeing.
At Acqualife, we have long devoted great efforts to bringing all these factors together, striving for the ideal balance in the study and evaluation of the individual aspects of the relaxing, rejuvenating experience of showering, so that we can condense all this in your wellness experience.
At Acqualife we strive to indulge your desires, creating unique emotional, sensory showers for ultimate wellbeing.
Apart from the energising rush of water and the various flow functions, we can shape unique and different sensations thanks to various sound and colour effects, combined with a range of natural fragrances chosen to customise your home shower for a relaxing, emotional sensory experience.